Celebrate Earth Day with a fun craft and learn inventive ways to reuse small plastic containers – from crafts, to organization, you’ll never want to throw them out ever again.
With Earth Day nearly upon us, it got us thinking about what everyday products we could creatively reuse or “upcycle” to give a new life – all while teaching our kids to be more environmentally conscious, inventive and frugal (because not everything needs to be bought from a store!).
The product of choice: yogurt containers. Our kids go through more yogurt a week than anything else, and every time we toss one of the little cups into the recycling bin we think, “that would make a great (fill-in-the-blank with that day’s genius idea).” So today we’ve teamed up with our partner, and favorite yogurt maker, Stonyfield Organic, to show you how you can turn their YoBaby yogurt containers into some ridiculously smart new things.
P.S. you can also use these ideas on other small plastic containers like your K-cups!
Stonyfield is the perfect partner for us in conjunction with Earth Day because they are doing so much to make our planet a better place to live. They’ve cared about the organic fields where their cows graze and their fruits and veggies grow for over 35 years. They are now on their biggest mission yet: to help make all playing fields organic and free from harmful pesticides.
Over 26 million kids play sports on fields and 65% of fields are sprayed with harmful pesticides, that according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, can be potentially carcinogenic. By playing on these pesticide-sprayed fields, our kids inhale these chemicals, get them on their skin, and then track them inside our homes through their shoes.
We are in full support of Stonyfield’s goal to help families and communities avoid toxic chemicals in their food and beyond. For more information on the StonyFIELDs initiative, head to their website and see how you can join the crusade.
PIN for when you’re ready to upcycle!


First up, these super cute Earth Day Snack Cups. Earth Day is one of our favorite holidays to celebrate with our kids, because it provides a great teaching opportunity for them to learn about the importance of taking care of our planet, and what they can do to help.
This craft can spark a conversation not only about recycling, but reusing as well. Sure the yogurt container could be recycled, but ask your kids if they can think of some ways it could be reused instead, and turned into something fun or functional.
Then guide them through making our Earth Day Snack Cups. All you’ll need is some green and blue construction paper, a little glue and a black marker.

Step one is of course to empty the container – which is never a problem with our kids who jump at the chance to gobble up a delicious YoBaby yogurt. And a lot of parents don’t know that Stonyfield YoBaby can be introduced as early as six months, so it makes a great first food. We love the new YoBaby Veggie which can help children develop a more adventurous palette, and like all YoBaby flavors, is made with only Certified Organic ingredients.
RELATED: 18 Tips to Raise an Adventurous, Non-Picky Eater from Baby to Toddler & Beyond
Once the yogurt has been devoured, wash the container and set it aside. Then cut the blue construction paper into a 7.5” x 2.25” strip and cut and stick some green areas on it for the land. Wrap the paper around the yogurt container and attach with glue or tape. Draw on a cute smiley face and watch your child smile too!

Now it’s ready to reuse as a fun all-purpose container for other healthy snacks like cut carrots, celery, peppers, or fresh fruit. It’s the perfect portion for small bellies, and perfect size for small hands to hold.

Card Holder: Teaching your kids card games like Go Fish or Rummy 500 can be such fun, but often holding all the cards in their little hands is the toughest part. Until now. Simply turn an empty yogurt container upside down and cut a slit in the bottom (now top) using a utility knife. Your kids can slot in their cards to display them and can then have both hands free!

Blocks/Stacking: Yogurt containers are the perfect size and shape to use as building blocks – and because they’re light-weight, if they fall, they won’t hurt any little toes on the way down.

Fine Motor Activities: Punch a variety of holes all around the yogurt container (we suggest cutting the “lip” off first) and provide your child with pipe cleaners or a shoe lace to thread through. This is a great quiet time activity, and a fabulous way for them to work on their fine motor skills.
Freeze Individual Servings: Who needs ice cube trays when you have the perfect container for freezing individual servings. They’re great for storing ½ cup portions of extra broth or chopped herbs that you can easily grab and have ready for weeknight meals.

“Infused” Ice Cubes: Another clever way to use these yogurt containers in the freezer, is to make fun flavored ice. Simply fill the containers with about 1/3rd of water (or juice), then pop in your favorite berries, citrus or other flavor to liven up your kids’ drinks (also a genius way to get your kids to drink more water!).

Craft Supply Organization: These containers are the perfect size for organizing your kids’ small craft supplies like pompoms, googly eyes, sequins, beads, markers, stickers, washi tape and more!

Office Supply Organization: They also can whip your office supplies into shape by keeping things like paper clips, push pins, staples and cables all neatly separated.

Bathroom Organization: Create organized homes for your Qtips, cotton balls, make-up sponges, brushes and anything else clogging up your countertops.

Hair Accessories: If you have little girls, you’ll know how quickly their hair accessories can get out of control. Grab a few containers and separate their clips, bows, bobby pins, elastics and more.

Junk Drawer Organizer: Yes, even a junk drawer can be organized! Stash a few containers inside to hold small items like elastic bands, twist ties, coins, take-out packets, wine charms, candles and batteries.

Frozen Pops: You don’t need any fancy popsicle makers to create delicious frozen pops your kids will love. Simply fill up your yogurt container with your juice or smoothie of choice, then place a piece of aluminum foil over the top and stick a popsicle stick in the middle. The foil will help the stick stay in the right position. Place the container in the freezer then remove the foil and pop out when ready to consume!
Sandbox Tools: Add a few empty yogurt containers to your sandbox and see how creatively your child uses them – from molds to scoops, they are truly multi-purpose.
Paint Containers: Add a little paint to the bottom of your yogurt containers and watch your Picasso get to work. They can even work as your “rinse” cup as well!

Stamp: Alternatively, turn the containers into your painting tool. Dip the top into paint then stamp on a blank piece of paper. Ask them what would happen if they tried stamping with the other side – then give it a go!

Games: Stack some containers into a pyramid, grab a ball and create your own bowling game. Or place 3 containers upside down, place an object underneath one of them and then move them around – see if your child can guess which one has the object inside!

Money Sorting: Have your kids clean out their piggy banks or sort out your spare change using one container for each type of coin.
Bath Time Toy: Bring your empty containers into the bath and watch the fun unfold as your kids scoop, make “bubble yogurt” and with just a few holes poked in the bottom, a fun “shower”.

Seed Starter: Make a few drainage holes in the bottom of your container, fill with soil and then plant your seeds. Once they’ve sprouted and are a few inches tall, transfer to a larger container or straight into your garden.
Doll Furniture: Cover the yogurt containers in fabric or paper and use as side tables, stools, trash cans, etc. for your children’s dolls.

Organize Your Tool Box: Keep a few containers in the top of your tool box to organize your small hardware like screws, washers and Allen keys. Keep a few spare containers to use while doing any repairs (or changing batteries!) to hold the screws and other parts you remove so they don’t get lost.
We’d love to hear your smart ideas for reusing small plastic containers – leave a comment below!
Thanks again to our sponsor, Stonyfield Organic, for making the #1 Pediatrician Recommended yogurt, and for working to remove harmful chemicals from where our children play, so they’re set up for their best future possible.
I love these ideas! So genius! Must try!
Fabulous organizing ideas and fun crafts and games while upcycling!
Nice ideas. Love them!